Upgrade recurring subscriptions

When a user has an active recurring subscription like: package, channel group, premium channel, storage, he will be asked to use the same payment method for all the other recurring purchases he makes Yonsei.


User has purchased a recurring channel group subscription and he paid it using his credit card Download CloneTalk. User wants to upgrade his account to a higher package. When confirming the payment, the user will be asked to use the same merchant as in the first transaction 이클립스 32bit 다운로드. If the user selects a different payment method, he will be notified that he already has another valid subscription with another merchant:



When a user purchases another recurring subscription, the initial subscription will be updated with new items keyboard Hangul. The user will only have to pay for the difference between the two subscriptions calculated for the remaining number of days from the current subscription month memory analyzer 다운로드.



By default the subscription upgrade is set to activate once the payment is completed 핸드폰 에서 유튜브 동영상 다운로드. Depending on the merchant used for the transaction, the payment can be instant (if Credit Card is used) or it may take up to a few hours (if PayPal is used) 삼성 pc 드라이버 다운로드.

The payment will be done as described on the following manual pages:

a) how to complete the payment using the credit card

b) how to complete the payment using PayPal account


Note: In case the subscription is taking more than one day to complete, you may contact the website administrator, as there may be an issue with PayPal configuration robot game.

When a broadcaster upgrades his account to a paid subscription/package, the payment for the first month is a direct payment (which is not part of the recurring subscription) Free to SenseTalk.

The recurring subscription will be setup to start automatically after this first month ends (in user’s PayPal account, the subscription details will show the start date 1 month after the initial payment) 3d max 2017.