Create events on WordPress

In Events page you can add and edit events that will be displayed on the website.

Click on Events link under Events Calendar chapter, in order to view the page:



This is how the page looks like and we will explain each option Download cubase virtual instruments. In the first section of the page you can see the Add Event area:

1 가로세로 세계사 다운로드. Click here to insert the event title.

2. Insert here the location of the event.

3. Insert here a description of the event Evernot Skich.

4. Click on the drop down list and select a category which you want the event to be assigned to.

5. Insert a link for the event (this field is optional) Download da Vinci Rizolb.

6. Click here to select the start date of the event.

7. Check the radio button if you want the event to be recurring or not download da#. If Yes radio button is selected, Recurrence patterns section will be displayed ad you can see in picture above.

8. Check the radio button to select the desired recurrence pattern: daily, weekly, weekly on a specific week of the month, monthly, yearly 윈도우10 어도비 플래시 수동 다운로드.

9. Select from the drop-down menu the number of days you want the event to recur.

Note: depending on the selection made at no.8, this section will be different timekeeper. You can select the number of weeks, months or years and also a specific day of the week.

10. Check this radio button if you don’t want to select an end date for the event 주행의 달인 다운로드.

11. Check this radio button if you want the event to end after a number of occurrences.

Note: 1 recurrence means 1 complete recurring pattern 씨 인사이드 다운로드.

12. Check this radio button if you want the event to end before a fixed date. Insert the date in the field.

13 프린세스 다이어리 자막 다운로드. Insert here the start time of the event.

14. Insert here the end time of the event.


Once your settings are adjusted, click the Save button and the event will be added in the Manage Events list.


This is an example of a Calendar page on the website, on Simple One theme:

wordpress events calendar page

1. Click here to open Calendar page.

2. Click here to go to the previous month.

3. Here you can see the current month.

4. Click here to go to the next page.

5. Here you can see the current day – it is marked with blue.

6. Here you can see the name of the schedule event.

Note: hover the mouse over the event name and the event details will be displayed.

7. Here you can see the time of the event.